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Gerallt's Personal Development Reading List

2019 was the year I decided to make an effort to read more...

It was time to make a list.

Read so far this year are...

  • The Marshmallow Test - Walter Mischel

  • Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins

  • Black Box Thinking - Matthew Syed

  • Rise of Superman - Steven Kotler

  • Game Changers - Dave Asprey

  • The Way of the Iceman - Wim Hof, Koen De Jong

  • The Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lakhiani

  • What Doesn't Kill Us - Scott Carney

Yet to read...

  • How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

  • Meditation - Michael Yates

  • The Habit of Ferocity - Steven Kotler

  • Blitzscaling - Reid Hoffman

  • Utopia for Realists - Rutger Bregman

  • Powerful - Patty McCord

  • Evolving Ourselves - Juan Enriquez, Steve Gullans

  • Food - Mark Hyman

  • Body by Science - Doug McGuff, John R Little

If anyone has a hard time reading books, or feel they just don't have the time I would recommend Audible or similar service where you can download an Audio Book. My other recommendation would be an Amazon Kindle (other e-readers are available) as it is a simple easy and cost effective way of reading and storing books and texts.


Amazon Books

My favourite books so far from my reading list have been:

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lakhiani

This is a book that keeps on giving...

Not just a book but a massive amount of online materials that support the book and allows it's reader to actually do and see what Vishen has created. The most interactive book I've read ever, i think.

This book is full of anecdotes from Vishen's life, following the stuttering start to his career and analysing his life, thoughts and experiences. The book has become a beacon of hope for myself and others as it shines a light on possibilities that we might not notice or know about.

A massively influential speaker, entrepreneur and visionary, Vishen has a strong message of hope for all us lesser mortals. This in turn led me to Mindvalley, Vishen's personal growth platform and his attempt to change education the world over.

Click on the Mindvalley image for a link to the World’s Leading Personal Growth Platform.

Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins

This book put a lot of things into perspective for me.

Advisory: This book contains swearing... a lot of swearing.

This book shows what can be achieved when you dedicate time and effort to gaining what you want.

It resonates with truths that you already know but are probably to timid, scared or indifferent to effectively incorporate into your lives. It's a book that follows a transformation of the body, spirit and mind in the most brutal ways possible.

If you've never heard of Goggins I would recommend searching for him on the internet. A truly remarkable individual who came from the bottom and defied the odds.

This book has helped me develop my no-nonsense alter ego and I use my accountability mirror every day to beast myself to do the things I should to grow and move forward in my life.


What Doesn't Kill Us - Scott Carney

Scott Carney is a journalist that loves to test, and debunk sensational claims by gurus and masters.

The book tracks the rise of extreme environmental conditioning as a way of assisting us rediscover our evolutionary strength.

This is the book that introduced me to... Wim Hof and his method, and the extraordinary results possible when we challenge ourselves with extreme environments.

Also in this book is Laird Hamilton and how he has progressed from being a big wave rider (surfer) to launching XPT (Extreme Performance Training) in 2016. XPT involves innovative breathing, moving, and recovery methods and is more than just a way of working out, but a lifestyle all it's own.

I'm always looking for books and articles that can help me in my work, personal and social life, so if you have any suggestions for books and articles even if they are not about personal development per say, I will happily take any recommendations.

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Gerallt Jones
Gerallt Jones
22 feb 2020

I’ve updated my list for 2020. So far I’m tearing through my new list.

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