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Canolfan Cefnfaes, Bethesda, Bangor LL57 3NL
Welcome to Empower Training
Croeso i Hyfforddi Grymus
Welcome to Empower Training here to Engage, Motivate and Inspire allowing our students to gain confidence, self-esteem and experience.
Croeso I Hyfforddi Grymus, yma i Ymgysylltu, Cymell ac ysbrydoli ein myfyrwyr i ennill hyder, hunan-barch ac i ehangu eu cylchfa gysur.
Empower Training - Self-defence and Breakaway Courses North Wales

Self-Defence & Breakaway

About Us / Amdanom Ni
After working with many Schools, Colleges, Youth Groups and Corporate Customers mainly across the UK and some Worldwide. Empower Training’s staff have a host of experiences in many areas of instruction spanning over 25 years.
Mae gan staff Hyfforddiant Grymus. dros 25 mlynedd o brofiad mewn nifer o wahanolfeysydd, ac wedi hyfforddi oedolion, plant a phobl ifanc o’r DU Deyrnas Unedig (UK) a thramor.
Oudoor Training / Services

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